Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Are You Diabetic?

As mentioned in my last post I have problems with my vision due to my diabetes. Also, with diabetes there develops a lack of feeling in your feet and maybe your hands. In Sept. of 2001 I came home from shopping and took off my shoes and my right shoe was all bloody. Using a mirror I found there was an open blister at the base of my big toe. This was on a Friday and a week later I went to the emergency room at the hospital to have the foot examined. I was admitted to the hospital immediately. A doctor came in the next morning and looked at my foot and sent me to x-ray. After looking at the x-rays the doctor talked with me about my options, all of which involved amputation, it just a matter of how much of my foot needed to be cut off. So on Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2001 the doctor cut off my right foot a mid-calf.

More later.

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